ARMA International is all-in on Information Governance. I am not privy to ARMA Board meetings, nor
have I talked about this with the staff HQ.
But walking into the annual conference in San Diego this week, the
switch from RIM to IG was inescapable.
Traditionalists may bemoan the blurring focus, seeing it as a
dilution of discipline or a paean to fashionable modernity.
I see it as ARMA’s devotion to its mission: improving the
professional lives of its members. That’s not new.
The Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles were more
than the latest codification of the millennia-old discipline of records
management. The Principles were designed
to show other professional disciplines, such as Law and Accounting, that RIM is
a counterpart deserving a seat at the Board table. The Principles aligned RIM in a way that made
it comparable, understandable, and estimable to other professions.
The move to Information Governance is the next step. It goes beyond the assertion, “We’re
equal.” Now ARMA is bold to say, “Not
only are we equally important, we are essential to organizational success. Further, that success requires creative
interaction between RIM and other disciplines.”
The result is twofold:
- RIMmers practicing IG rise in status and influence. The rise includes respect and salary.
- Organizations endorsing IG enjoy an advantage over competitors who employ the old, dysfunctional siloed style of operation.
I don’t know if the old stereotype of records managers was
ever true. You know, the introvert who
went to library school to get a quiet, out-of-the-way job, checking records in
and out. If it ever was true, it went
the way of physical card catalogs.
Today’s Information Governors (neĆ© Records Managers) are
Three Musketeers, along with Legal and IT.
And D’Artagnan may be Accounting, Security, Compliance, or others.
ARMA has seen this and pushed it. Not everyone wants to move forward and wear
this mantel. But it is the path to
success for both ARMA members and the organizations they serve.